The Art of Getting Cozy

Maybe it’s the cold winter weather, maybe it’s the political infighting — whatever the reason, EVERYONE I know is getting more & more interested in how to really get cozy and comfortable wherever they can these days. I heard Grace Bonney of Design Sponge allude to this in her podcast with Young House Love, Episode #18, and sure enough the bookstores are overflowing with titles to get us going.

My daughters & I have all enjoyed “The Year of Cozy,” and I had to get the book on Hygge (the Danish term for everything cozy — it’s an entire approach to life there!).  But my favorite one is the bestseller, The Year of Living Danishly, a laugh out loud true story of a stylish magazine writer from London who moves to Denmark for her husband’s job at Lego. Who knew that Danes are considered one of the absolute happiest cultures in the world??! They credit “hygge” with much of their success.

Whatever book you choose, you’re apt to want to get a little cozier with let’s say a cashmere shawl (mine’s from J. Crew & has lasted FOREVER), or a delicious candle (candles = very Hygge). My daughter Avery picked out one for me from Candlefish on a recent trip to Charleston — the Paris “Roam” candle is definitely transcendent.

